It’s that time of year again! Every time the holidays roll around, many of us are often tempted to overindulge on all those sugary sweets. Everything from candy canes to chocolate cake, temptation seems to be everywhere you turn! So how do you keep your teeth healthy...
One of the most common worries when getting a cleaning is, “I hope I don’t have any cavities!” What exactly is a cavity and why do we get them? A cavity is a hole in the tooth caused by tooth decay. Tooth decay is a result of not caring for your...
Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who helped make our free dentistry events possible for our community. We look forward to seeing you at our office in Moorpark at our next event! See pictures of the events in the past below! The line of patients waiting to...
Dentistry has come a long way since the wooden teeth of President George Washington and even the ivory teeth from the 1700s carved from animal ivory. Due to the constant studies being conducted in the field of dentistry, researchers have discovered a strong connection...
At the beginning of the school year, there tends to be a lot of craziness. Long gone are the days of lazing on the couch as they give way to early mornings and rushing out the door. But that doesn’t mean that you should slack on your dental care. “In the...
A study in Scientific Reports claims that the oldest known form of dentistry to date is an infected 14,000-year-old tooth that was cleaned out with flint tools. This is the earliest archaeological example of a pathological condition being handled by a manual...